Friday, July 11, 2008

Working Title Playwrights Invitaton

I know the Power Plays Festival is underway, and I have told all my WTPers that I intend to see all three plays after Tuesday (once I have the first of my two readings accomplished), but I'm hoping to entice you to one of the two of Daphne Mintz's play, In Lieu of Flowers. It's the first of our two Summer Reading Series selections will be read at Actor's Express this coming Monday and Tuesday, 7:30pm.

Daphne Mintz's romantic drama, In Lieu of Flowers, asks many questions about love and commitment and the possible moral ambiguities inherent in both.

"A touching story immersed in a small community. Obviously a writer who understands that loving her characters without judgment is important." -- Celise Kalke.

"I really like the mix of humor and heartache, and the earthiness of the characters -- I appreciate their frankness at times..." -- Caleb Boyd.

"In Lieu of Flowers is a beautiful meditation on love and our attempts to find it, keep it, and cope when it is gone. Daphne's funny and touching play allows us to see that family and relationships are like flowers -- diverse, colorful, and filled with hidden meanings." -- (director) Betty Hart

I truly love this script and think Daphne is a talent on the rise. I also think that, while it's still got some room to grow, it's one of the best scripts WTP has ever produced and I am quite proud of that.

WTP is a changed and changing organism. We now have 52 members - unbelievable! - and most of those new members are younger, about half of them African-American, and a little more than half female. What's most exciting to me about this growth is that these younger, culturally diverse writers are writing and with a purpose.

I hope to see you at either reading -- the cast includes LaParee Young, Lorilyn Harper, Will Cobbs, Eugene Russell with narration by Emmy-award nominated writer / spoken word poet Jon Goode.
Jill Patrick

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