Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The 2011 Bare Essentials Reading Series

June 13
“CITATIONS” by Josh Harmon
Directed by Barbara Hawkins-Scott
A famous and successful historian is accused of plagiarism, and all those close to her rally to her defense – except for her teenage son.  By the author of “Bad Jews”, Playwright In Residence at Actor’s Express.

July 20
“A PAIN IN THE NECK” by Rachel Teagle
Directed by Dina Shadwell
Mina thinks her girlfriend might be cheating on her -- with a man, which would be bad enough, but he could also be a vampire, which would really suck.  (Sorry.)  This dark comedy was a finalist in the 2011 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award competition.

July 26
“MY BROTHER’S KNIFE” by Joshua Mikel
Directed by Amber Bradshaw
Wayne just wants to kill himself, but this psychotic deputy sheriff takes him prisoner, tormenting him and forcing him to play old rock and roll tunes.  What is going on here?  This surreal journey into the past was a finalist in the 2011 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award competition.

July 27
“THE SPINS” by Sara Crawford
Directed by Curtis Krick
Music always sounds better on vinyl, and the spinning of a record on a turntable is echoed by the drunken emotional vertigo of a young woman haunted by the death of her musician brother.  Written by Creative Loafing’s Reader’s Choice for Best Local Songwriter, this play was a finalist in the 2011 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award competition.

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